In March last year I was asked by Delicious. to spend a day with the best selling author James Rebanks on his farm in Matterdale, Cumbria. I worked with deputy editor, Susan Low who was tasked with interviewing James about his life as a farmer and his recently published book The Shepherd's Life while I photographed James at work with his beautiful Herdwick sheep. It was a bitterly cold day up on the fells with snow lying on the surrounding hills.
Read MoreNew book - Cooking for the Sensitive Gut published by Pavilion
We are delighted to announce the publication of our book Cooking For The Sensitive Gut by Pavilion Books. Written, cooked, styled and photographed by me in collaboaration with my partner Dr Nick Read, a consultant gastroenterologist and psychotherapist and an expert in working with patients with a sensitive gut. It is all about what you can eat, rather than what you can't. It is the perfect guide to how to prepare a whole range of delicious recipes that are fun to cook and delicious to eat without triggering symptoms or risking nutritional deficiency.
Read MorePhotographs taken on my Food Portraits one day course at Aspire Photography Training.
From plate to pixel - getting started with food photography
"From plate to pixel" is the title of Helen du Jardin's excellent book on food photography. It takes the reader through buying a camera and lenses suitable for taking photographs of food, to styling and shooting great images.
Read MoreIntroduction to food blogging and photography - a Guardian Masterclass
I am sitting in room 1.1 at the head office of the Guardian Newspaper, London awaiting 10 students. I know one is called Emily and she has told me she is a journalist and has a young child who has both Type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease.
Read MorePink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2015
Seven years ago when I bought my first DSLR, a Canon 450D, I did not imagine for one minute my work would make it to the finals of an international food photography competition. My ambition at the time was to become a competent photographer so that I could write and illustrate features for the Yorkshire Post and other publications without necessarily having to hook up with a photographer.
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